Showing 26 - 50 of 1,316 Results
Poetical works. With memoir, critical dissertation, and explanatory notes by George Gilfillan by William Lisle Bowles, Georg... ISBN: 9781172774739 List Price: $32.75
The Poetical Works of Mark Akenside ... With a biographical sketch of the author (by Dr. Joh... by Mark Akenside, George Gilfi... ISBN: 9781241568511 List Price: $31.75
The Poetical Works of Joseph Addison; Gay's Fables; and Somerville's Chase. With memoirs and... by Joseph Addison, George Gilf... ISBN: 9781241568481 List Price: $35.75
The National Burns. Edited by Rev. George Gilfillan, including the airs of all the songs, an... by Robert Burns, George Gilfillan ISBN: 9781241594046 List Price: $34.75
The Poetical Works of William Cowper. With life, critical dissertation, and explanatory note... by William Cowper, George Gilf... ISBN: 9781241594930 List Price: $37.75
Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, etc. by Thomas Percy, Charles Cowde... ISBN: 9781241098919 List Price: $31.75
Poetical works. With memoir and critical dissertations by Spenser, Edmund, Gilfillan,... ISBN: 9781177749442 List Price: $33.75
The Poetical Works of Beattie, Blair, and Falconer. With lives, critical dissertations, and ... by Gilfillan, George, Falconer... ISBN: 9781241086626 List Price: $31.75
The Poetical Works of Johnson, Parnell, Gray, and Smollett (Dodo Press) by Gilfillan, George ISBN: 9781406599411 List Price: $20.99
Poetical Works of Beattie Blair and Falconer with Lives Critical Dissertations and Explanato... by Gilfillan, Reverend George ISBN: 9781169319875 List Price: $36.76
Poetical Works with Life, Critical Dissertation, and Explanatory Notes by Thomson, James, Gilfillan, ... ISBN: 9781177205054 List Price: $34.75
Poetical Works, with Life, Critical Dissertation, and Explanatory Notes by Milton, John, Gilfillan, Ge... ISBN: 9781177205269 List Price: $32.75
Poetical Works with Memoir and Critical Dissertations by Spenser, Edmund, Gilfillan,... ISBN: 9781177205733 List Price: $31.75
Poetical Works with Memoir and Critical Dissertations by Spenser, Edmund, Gilfillan,... ISBN: 9781177205757 List Price: $32.75
Modern Literature and Literary Men : Being a second gallery of literary Portraits by Gilfillan, George ISBN: 9781177326254 List Price: $33.75
Poetical Works with Life, Critical Dissertation and Explanatory Notes by Cowper, William, Gilfillan,... ISBN: 9781177353922 List Price: $36.75
Canterbury Tales to Which Are Added an Essay on His Language and Versification, and an Intro... by Chaucer, Geoffrey, Gilfilla... ISBN: 9781177369862 List Price: $33.75
Sketches, Literary and Theological; Being Selections from an Unpublished Ms Edited by Frank ... by Gilfillan, George, Henderso... ISBN: 9781177413961 List Price: $30.75
First Gallery of Literary Portraits by Gilfillan, George ISBN: 9781177444149 List Price: $30.75
Poetical Works, with Memoir and Critical Disseration by George Gilfillan by Prior, Matthew, Gilfillan, ... ISBN: 9781177619233 List Price: $38.75
Poetical Works of William Shakespeare and the Earl of Surrey with Memoirs, Critical Disserta... by Shakespeare, William, Gilfi... ISBN: 9781177776790 List Price: $32.75
Poetical Works with Memoir, Critical Dissertation, and Explanatory Notes by Pope, Alexander, Gilfillan,... ISBN: 9781177785662 List Price: $32.75
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